Injustice:Gods Among Us Wiki

Injustice: Gods Among Us

Story Mode

  • "Clark sometimes forgets he can´t do everything himself."
  • "We need to determine which. Soon. If the Joker's bomb detonated, we have to get back."
  • "The Atlantis archives. If this is an altered timeline, we might find a record of the triggering event there."
  • "I need information on surface world governance. History and current structure."
  • "Yes. The treaty discussions."
  • "Tell me what you know. Recount the events of his ascension."
  • "A thorough review might illuminate new strategies for negotiations."
  • "Yes...We all remember where we were that day..."
  • "Which made him quite popular."
  • "Flash...Shazam...Welcome."
  • "Yes. We have important matters to discuss. The treaty."
  • "May I?"
  • "This is complete subjugation. Superman will rule Atlantis!"
  • "You threaten me? Tread carefully."
  • "You can tell Superman..."
  • "He will not have Atlantis!"
  • "Your orders be damned." - After defeated The Flash
  • "Let's not take this any further. I want to talk to Superman."
  • "You two will make sorry diplomats." - After defeated Shazam
  • "Well then. Parallel dimension it is."
  • "Who do you work for, usurper? Manta? Ocean Master?"
  • "I'm the king of Atlantis! I answer to no one. Unlike you."
  • "Mind your tongue."
  • "You would give away your kingdom like a pair of worn boots? To a surface dweller?"
  • "The treaty requires Superman to maintain Earth's oceans. And recognize our autonomy."
  • "You put your army at his beck and call."
  • "A necessary compromise."
  • "More like appeasement!"
  • "I grow tired of this. Take him!"
  • "I had planned to offer you help."
  • "I've changed my mind."
  • "Now let's discuss a revised foreign policy." - After defeated himself
  • "Kill him!"
  • "What now..."
  • "Ares. Why are you here?"
  • "You did more than that. You brought us here."
  • "My fire doesn't need stoking, Ares! Tell me who."
  • "I do."
  • "And you will obey!"
  • "You're weak, Ares." - After defeated Ares
  • "So if you didn't bring us here, who did?"
  • "Heroes?"
  • "He killed them..."
  • "And the only ones left are those who joined him?"
  • "I need to join my colleagues."
  • "Send me to them."
  • "Ares."
  • "Not our Ares."
  • "Headache?"
  • "How can a pill-"
  • "Yes. I met a couple of our evil twins."
  • "So you're the only one left..."
  • "What is this?!"
  • "And I'm guessing he didn't arrive alone."
  • "Where's Batman?"
  • "No..."
  • "How did you hide anything in here from Superman? Looks like he was pretty thorough."
  • "It's a trap."
  • "Leave that to me."
  • "Are you ready, Superman? To take on the might of Atlantis?!"
  • "You're not wanted here!"

In Battle

  • "Submit!"
  • "You anger me."
  • "Pathetic, War God." - While Fighting with Ares
  • "Watch it, Kryptonian." - Occasionally after combos on Superman
  • "Bring it, Clark!" - Occasionally after combos on Superman
  • "Yield, Amazon." - Occasionally after combos on Wonder Woman
  • "Amazon wench." - Occasionally after combos on Wonder Woman
  • "You're weak, princess!" - Occasionally after combos on Wonder Woman
  • "That's all, Flash." - Occasionally after combos on The Flash
  • "Let's apply the brakes." - Occasionally after combos on The Flash
  • "Slow down, Barry. - Occasionally after combos on The Flash
  • "Calm yourself, Lantern." - Occasionally after combos on Green Lantern
  • "I'm through with this, Hal!" - Occasionally after combos on Green Lantern
  • "And I meant that!" - After winning a round
  • "Almighty Neptune!" - After winning a round


  • "You face the might of Atlantis!" - Clash with any Character
  • "Kneel before the king!" - Clash with any Character
  • "Poseidon take you!" - Clash with any Character
  • "The king fears no one!" - Clash with any Character
  • "For Atlantis!" - Clash with any Character
  • "Surface world scum!" - (Regime) Clash with any character
  • "Grow up and smarten up!" - (Regime) Clash with Nightwing, Cyborg, Shazam & Raven

Defense Wagers

  • "You disgrace Atlantis!" - Clash with (Regime) Aquaman
  • "I'm the true king!" - Clash with (Regime) Aquaman
  • "What would you have me do?" - (Regime) Clash with Aquaman
  • "You are not invincible." - Clash with Ares
  • "I am the pride of Atlantis!" - Clash with Batman
  • "No more Insurgency!" - (Regime) Clash with (Insurgency) Batman
  • "Speed alone doesn't cut it!" - Clash with The Flash
  • "You're not so quick, Barry!" - Clash with The Flash
  • "I'll win any contest of wills." - Clash with Green Lantern
  • "The sea will drown your light!" - Clash with Green Lantern
  • "What makes you think you'll win?" - Clash with Superman
  • "I can match your strength!" - Clash with Superman
  • "I will subdue the surface world!" - (Regime) Clash with Superman
  • "Atlanteans are superior!" - Clash with Wonder Woman
  • "Run back to Superman!" - Clash with (Regime) Wonder Woman

Attack Wagers

  • "Yield. It's what you do." - Clash with (Regime) Aquaman
  • "By saving it?" - (Regime) Clash with Aquaman
  • "Wrong, imposter!" - (Regime) Clash with Aquaman
  • "I have defeated gods." - Clash with Ares
  • "You're out of your league!" - Clash with Ares
  • "And here's the storm!" - Clash with Batman
  • "Your mouth runs faster than you." - Clash with The Flash
  • "Not even close." - Clash with Green Lantern
  • "Never to you, Clark!" - Clash with Superman
  • "Not just yet!" - (Regime) Clash with (Regime) Superman
  • "Don't need his help here!" - Clash with Wonder Woman
  • "Back to Themyscira!" - Clash with Wonder Woman

Injustice 2

Story Mode

  • "Batman wants my Marines to fight his battle?"
  • "Like the time Superman ordered me to invade Metropolis?"
  • "The next time my people's blood is spilled it will be for Atlantis, not the surface world."
  • "My father was human but my duty is to Atlantis. I don't trust you, Jordan--you or any surface dweller. Now, leave. And remind Batman--stay out of my seas."
  • "Atlantis will defend itself."
  • "Go. I don't need your distraction."
  • "Need I remind you whose kingdom this is?"
  • "Cover me."
  • "My people are getting flanked. Hold this line. Be our rear guard."
  • "I'm the vanguard."
  • "We're locking down the gates, but the fight's not over. Hal?"
  • "You put yourself at risk for Atlantis. Maybe you can be trusted."
  • "I can't. I belong here, defending my people."
  • "Red Lanterns?"
  • "Good luck."
  • "Gone. I didn't listen. Now, we all die together."
  • "How about the Trident of Atlantis?"
  • "Because it would draw his eye?"
  • "A fight I'll look forward to."
  • "Using pawns, Grodd?" - When player chooses him
  • "This king isn't easily captured." - After defeated Black Canary
  • "What kind of ruler sacrifices his own people for Brainiac?"
  • "You're deluded, Grodd." - When player chooses him
  • "I didn't lose them. They were stolen from me!"
  • "I will avenge Atlantis." - After defeated Green Arrow
  • "Blue Beetle! We thought you were dead."
  • "How does this work, exactly?"
  • "I am ready."
  • "Beetle! What are you doing?!"
  • "Don't get ahead of yourself." - After defeated Blue Beetle
  • "A king, Grodd? You're a brute."
  • "You hurt my people, Grodd. In their name, I will have justice."
  • "Not the day to test my resolve." - After defeated Gorilla Grodd
  • "The people of Atlantis demand justice."
  • "But you can."
  • "Canary! Arrow! Out of the way!"
  • "I thought it was too late, but... I can feel the heartbeat of Atlantis--Brainiac's work is undone!"
  • "What we can be sure of is that Brainiac puts everyone else at risk."
  • "I'm not following anyone. You've never understood Atlantis, Bruce..."
  • "We're an ancient people."
  • "With an old-fashioned sense of justice."

Match Intro Dialogue

1P Dialogue Opponent(s)
"Allow me to welcome you properly." Reverse-Flash, Supergirl
"Another Kryptonian..." Supergirl
"Aren't you Batman's problem?" Poison Ivy
"Atlantis doesn't forgive traitors." Green Lantern, Wonder Woman
"Atlantis is off limits." Cheetah, Supergirl
"Atlantis won't bleed for the surface world." Batman, Black Adam, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman
"Bad timing, Joker." Joker
"Bane..." Bane
"Batman has lost. Now what?" Black Adam, Wonder Woman
"Batman must be so proud." Black Canary, Firestorm, Red Hood
"First Clark, now you..." Batman, Bizarro, Brainiac
"How about gutted like a fish?" Scarecrow
"I can't trust any of you." Black Adam, Black Canary
"I command them." John Stewart, Poison Ivy
"I don't care if Bruce trusts you." Blue Beetle, Harley Quinn
"I never thought we'd cross paths again." Black Canary, Green Arrow, Green Lantern
"I thought you never take sides." Starfire, Swamp Thing
"I won't join you, Dinah." Black Canary
"I'd hoped never again to see your face." Harley Quinn, Joker
"I'll be fine in the dark." Joker
"I'll take that as a threat." Atrocitus, Bizarro, Doctor Fate, Sub-Zero
"It's also the last." Green Arrow
"Justice will be done." Harley Quinn, Superman
"Let's see if you're ready." Blue Beetle
"More than one if necessary." Harley Quinn
"No, it just started." Joker
"Orm, is that you?" Aquaman
"Princess of the Amazons..." Wonder Woman
"Rust is the least of your worries." Cyborg, Supergirl
"Sadly, I cannot." Green Lantern, Harley Quinn
"Surrender and I'll break fewer bones." Aquaman, Atrocitus, Green Lantern, John Stewart
"That I must oppose." Black Adam, Gorilla Grodd, Superman
"That remains to be seen." Batman, Darkseid, Firestorm, Grid, Power Girl
"That's right. You lost your crown." Wonder Woman
"The oceans are stronger than steel." Cyborg, Power Girl, Supergirl
"The true king will be the one left standing." Aquaman, Black Adam
"Then get out of my way." Batman, The Flash
"Then I'm the wrong audience for your charade." Aquaman
"Then you choose to die here." Aquaman, Gorilla Grodd
"There's nothing on land worth saving." Catwoman
"This trident says otherwise." Aquaman, Atrocitus, Batman, The Flash, Joker, Poison Ivy
"We have no quarrel." Doctor Fate, The Flash, Sub-Zero
"What brings you to my kingdom?" Harley Quinn, Jay Garrick, John Stewart
"What do you want from me?" Atrocitus, Black Adam, Catwoman, Grid, Mr. Freeze, Red Hood
"Wretched beast." Gorilla Grodd
"Yes, he's gone." Green Arrow
"You actually talk to plants?" Poison Ivy
"You are not welcome here." Black Canary, Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, Harley Quinn, Jay Garrick, Mr. Freeze
"You fight without passion." Green Lantern, Sub-Zero
"You might think so." Aquaman, Bane, Black Canary, Red Hood, Starfire, Sub-Zero
"You talk boldly for someone so young." Blue Beetle, Firestorm
"Your bullets can't pierce me." Deadshot, Red Hood
"Your judgment is not." Swamp Thing
"You're both aliens we don't need." Brainiac
"You're far from Gorilla City, Grodd." Gorilla Grodd
"You're from the other Earth?" Aquaman, Green Arrow, Reverse-Flash
"You're in a fight you don't understand." Blue Beetle, Starfire
"You've been warned." Cheetah, Darkseid, The Flash, Joker, Supergirl, Superman
"You've never been punished for Metropolis." Harley Quinn

In Battle

  • "I'll drag you to the depths!"
  • "Stick a fork in it, you're done."
  • "Is this how you defend Kahndaq?" - To Black Adam after winning a round
  • "Yield, archer!" - Occasionally after combos on Green Arrow
  • "Your grief poisons you!" - Occasionally after a Super Move on Superman


Defense Wagers

  • "Ready to yield?"
  • "Should I summon the shark?"
  • "I will not be your ally!"
  • "Atlantis will not fall!"
  • "You can't beat an Atlantean!"
  • "You've been selected for extinction!" - Clash with Gorilla Grodd
  • "The Regime had it's chance." - Clash with Black Adam or Superman
  • "You are not fit to lead!" - Clash with Superman

Attack Wagers

  • "By Neptune, I won't yield!"
  • "I'll flay you first."
  • "You bluff poorly."
  • "We've yet to plumb the depths."
  • "Not if I'm here!"
  • "You like using that word, don't you?"
  • "You need more than gimmicks."
  • "You should meet Black Manta."
  • "Even you underestimate me?"
  • "I'm not worried."
  • "As long as it benefits Atlantis."
  • "You'll feel the ocean's power."
  • "Doesn't look like it."
  • "You haven't hooked me yet."
  • "Not before Kahndaq." - Clash with Black Adam
  • "You'll first have to collect it." - Clash with Brainiac
  • "This is justice." - Clash with Captain Cold or Superman
  • "You need teeth to eat." - Clash with Cheetah, Gorilla Grodd or Joker
  • "I'll match your pace!" - Clash with The Flash or Red Hood
  • "You barely raised my temperature." Clash with Firestorm
  • "Only Mera knows." - Clash with Green Arrow or Harley Quinn
  • "Not amused, Hal." - Clash with Green Lantern
  • "Enough with the fish metaphors!" - Clash with Harley Quinn or Joker
  • "Too late, Ivy." - Clash with Poison Ivy
  • "I don't answer to you, boy." - Clash with Red Hood, Robin or Blue Beetle
  • "With your blood." Clash with Superman
  • "It was forged by Neptune himself." - Clash with Wonder Woman